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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference

When is it? Jaunuary 16th from 8:30am - 5pm

What is it? A state-wide virtual conference developed by the Nicolet Federated Library System and sponsored by several other public library systems throughout Wisconsin!  It will feature six webinars in one day (using GotoWebinar), with presenters from California to Maine. Attend what you want -  one….four….or all six!  Door prizes will be raffled at each session, and there will be a Cheesy Sweater Contest! 

What is the cost? All sessions are FREE and will be recorded.  We'll also be live tweeting at #wwwc13 the day of the conference. 

Why in January? Why not?  January is cccooollllldddddd in Wisconsin, and no one likes to travel. We're bringing the speakers to you, virtually!  

visit the website for more information and to register: